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Get Involved

How You Can Help





Ways To Give


Checks Made Payable to The Refuge

PO Box 178

Waleska, GA 30183


Click to Donate

Set up a recurring bill pay through your bank payable to The Refuge.  "The Refuge" as the account number.  

Most donors chose this option because it is set up by you through your own bank.  

Give Through Venmo

Venmo QR Code.JPG

Donate stock through National Christian Foundation

Complete and submit this form:


The form has a line that says: NCF Giving Fund Number. That number is #2082290. The Giving Fund Name is The Refuge.


Refugee Missionary

"We could not have completed our mission without the prayers and support from The Refuge."

Ministry Partner

"This is a vital ministry and of high importance demonstrating a Godly lifestyle to those who yearn to hear about and learn about Jesus Christ."

Former Refugee

"The Refuge has helped guide me into being a servant and a son of God.  It has impacted me by connecting my faith into my everyday life and helping me seek refuge in God in a hectic world."

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